27 #ifndef __CC1101_SPI_H__ 28 #define __CC1101_SPI_H__ 162 const uint8_t *writeBytes,
uint8_t ccxSpiTransaction(uint8_t address, const uint8_t *writeBytes, uint8_t writeLength, uint8_t *readBytes, uint8_t readLength)
Start a SPI transaction to the CC1101, either read or write.
uint8_t ccxSpiDelay25us(void)
Provide a reliable, 25 us delay.
uint8_t ccxSpiInit(void)
Initialise the SPI hardware.
CCX Basic API definitions. See Basic CCxxxx API.
uint8_t ccxSpiShutdown(void)
Shutdown the SPI hardware.
uint8_t ccxSpiPinChipSelectSet(uint8_t setValue)
Set the state of the Chip Select (CS) line.
uint8_t ccxSpiPinSlaveOutRead(uint8_t *currentValue)
Read the current state of the Slave Out (SO) line.