CCxxxx Driver  0.0.1
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This driver aims to provide a generic API for Texas Instrument's CC110L/CC1101 line of RF transceivers. It tries to wrap up some of the quirks in dealing with these components, so they they don't have to be repeated for each MCU port.

As TI have made many of the registers common across the CC1100 and CC2500 range, this driver should be compatible with other parts. Please notes that it is possible CC110L/CC1101 specific features are used in this driver and the examples.


This driver has three core modules:



The file src/ tries to quickly bring in the relevant files to your build system. It should be sourced in your project Makefile and will provide the following variables:

An example of using this is available at examples/msp_exp430g2_transceiver/Makefile.

In order to use the CCX API you should:


To bring in Quickstart you should follow the steps above to use the CCX module. Additionally, before sourcing src/ in your project Makefile you should:

Ensure that you include ccx_quickstart.h in your relevant C files.


The following variables can be set in your Makefile before sourcing src/ to provide some convenient debugging.



