Raspberry Pi GPIO Library  0.3
Library allowing for control of the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins.
* I2C Example Bit Expander:
* The following is an example of writing data to and reading it from a
* M24C16 I2C EEPROM.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Tested Setup:
* ______ _________
* 3V3|-------|VCC |
* GND|-------|VSS |
* SDA|-------|SDA |
* SCL|-------|SCL |
* | | |
* R. Pi| | M24C16 |
* _____| |________|
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rpiGpio.h"
#define M24C16_ADDRESS 0x50
#define M24C16_PAGE_SIZE 16
#define WRITE_TIME_NS (5 * 1000000) /* 5 ms */
int main(void)
errStatus rtn;
uint8_t txData[100] = {0x00};
uint8_t rxData[100] = {0x00};
const char * string = "RaspberryPi";
struct timespec sleepForWriteTime;
sleepForWriteTime.tv_sec = 0;
sleepForWriteTime.tv_nsec = WRITE_TIME_NS;
/* Copy the string to write into the buffer used to transmit.
* The first byte in the buffer is the internal address of the
* I2C EEPROM to write to */
memcpy(&txData[1], string, strlen(string));
if ((rtn = gpioSetup()) != OK)
dbgPrint(DBG_INFO, "gpioSetup failed.");
else if (gpioI2cSetup() != OK)
dbgPrint(DBG_INFO, "gpioI2cSetup failed.");
/* Device supports 400 kHz I2C */
else if (gpioI2cSetClock(400000) != OK)
dbgPrint(DBG_INFO, "gpioI2cSetClock failed.");
else if (gpioI2cSet7BitSlave(M24C16_ADDRESS) != OK)
dbgPrint(DBG_INFO, "gpioI2cSet7BitSlave failed.");
else if ((rtn = gpioI2cWriteData(txData, 13)) != OK)
dbgPrint(DBG_INFO, "gpioI2cWriteData failed.");
/* Ensure the I2C EEPROMs internal write operation
* completes */
nanosleep(&sleepForWriteTime, NULL);
/* Set up the internal address pointer of the EEPROM
* back to 0 so we can read back the data */
if ((rtn = gpioI2cWriteData(txData, 1)) != OK)
dbgPrint(DBG_INFO, "gpioI2cWriteData failed.");
/* Read back the data */
else if (gpioI2cReadData(rxData, 13) != OK)
dbgPrint(DBG_INFO, "gpioI2cReadData failed.");
else if (printf("Received Data:\n%s\n", rxData))
/* not interested */
else if (memcmp(txData, rxData, 13) != 0)
dbgPrint(DBG_INFO, "TXd and RXd data was not identical.");
return rtn;