CCxxxx Driver  0.0.1
Quick Start API

Additional, higher level API functions. More...


uint8_t ccxQuickstartTransmitVariableLength (uint8_t targetAddress, const uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length)
 Initiate the transmission of a variable length packet. More...
uint8_t ccxQuickstartReceiveVariableLength (uint8_t *rxBuffer, uint8_t *length, uint8_t *rssi, uint8_t *lqi)
 Initiate retrieving a variable length packet from the RX FIFO. More...
uint8_t ccxQuickstartInit (void)
 Initialises the QuickStart module. More...
uint8_t ccxQuickstartShutdown (void)

Detailed Description

Additional, higher level API functions.

This functions are built on top of the basic functions contained within Basic CCxxxx API. They make more assumptions / stipulations on the CCxxxx configuration which may not be appropriate for all users.

They will configure the radio's registers with a setup provided by TI in slaa325a.

Additionally, they expect either the CC1101's GD0 or GD2 pin to be used as an interrupt source in order to receive packets.

Function Documentation

◆ ccxQuickstartInit()

uint8_t ccxQuickstartInit ( void  )

Initialises the QuickStart module.

This funciton initalises lower layer modules, including the SPI layer. Additionally this function will configiure the CCxxxx device with preset configuration. See Quick Start API for more information.

This calls ccxReset internally.
A status code from CcxStatus.

◆ ccxQuickstartReceiveVariableLength()

uint8_t ccxQuickstartReceiveVariableLength ( uint8_t *  rxBuffer,
uint8_t *  length,
uint8_t *  rssi,
uint8_t *  lqi 

Initiate retrieving a variable length packet from the RX FIFO.

This function will block until the entire packet is received.

[out]rxBufferAn array to be populated with the received data. This must be at least as long as the received message.
[in,out]lengthThe length of the rxBuffer to be populated. On a successful call, this variable will contain the length of the received data which populates rxBuffer.
[out]rssiOptional parameter. If not NULL, this will be set to the RSSI value appended to the received message.
[out]lqiOptional parameter. If not NULL, this will be set to the LQI value appended to the received message.
A status code from CcxStatus.

◆ ccxQuickstartShutdown()

uint8_t ccxQuickstartShutdown ( void  )
A status code from CcxStatus.

◆ ccxQuickstartTransmitVariableLength()

uint8_t ccxQuickstartTransmitVariableLength ( uint8_t  targetAddress,
const uint8_t *  buffer,
uint8_t  length 

Initiate the transmission of a variable length packet.

This function will block until the message is transmitted.

[in]targetAddressThe address of the intended recipient of this message. This is set within the device's CCX_REG_ADDR register.
[in]bufferThe data buffer to transmit.
[in]lengthThe length of the data in buffer.
A status code from CcxStatus.